Sunday, 27 September 2015

Bashing the Bishop

Ah the magic of the cup. The time were we get to forget all the worries of a nine month season and concentrate for ninety minutes on a piece of silverware. Of course I doubt there is much chance of see ing Sutton lift the old girl up at Wembley, but never say never. So where are we starting this years quest? Bishop Stortford no less. Joy.

Monday, 21 September 2015

A Bridge Too Far. For Some!

Damn those egg chasers! If it wasn’t for their bloody daft World Cup being held in sunny old England (plus a couple in little Wales), then the train tickets for today’s trip to wouldn’t have been the ridiculously large sum of £53! Some of us ain't made of money you know!

Wednesday, 16 September 2015

Same Foul, Two Different Cards

Just for Totts, but Fuck a Duck! What sort of a night was that then? Well you would think that just for once, we might be able to have 90mins without the twat in black making some big calls that change the way the game is going but wouldn’t you know it, our luck wasn't in tonight.

Sunday, 13 September 2015

A Little Bit of Escu

What the fuck is this? The Duke doing a home Saturday blog? Well it's true, so you will all just to live with it! Today's game has us take on an undefeated Gosport team. I've been supporting Sutton for many a year now so every game seems to either add or subtract years depending on the result at five o'clock on a Saturday afternoon.

Sunday, 6 September 2015

Nothing tastes as good as skinny feels.

It’s Friday night and I’m on a train and heading over to Leatherhead to see an old mate of mine who recently proposed to his Mrs, to discuss some wedding plans as he has indeed appointed moi as one of his Ushers. Is this a good idea? Only time will tell. I did however take to winding him up, by telling him I only needed to memorize three critical words, Bride, Groom, and Bar. That’s all the key information you need to know when attending a wedding right?

Tuesday, 1 September 2015

Its A Long Way Back to Epsom

Just when you think you are having an excellent weekend, something always goes wrong. For us boys this weekend, it was once again a 90 minute performance from the lads on the pitch that seemed to hark back to the anguish and torment of last year. There seems to be a running pattern of not being able to string a set of decent performances together.

The Great Semi of '93

Occasionally, once every so often, when the planets are in alignment we here at Gandermonium are forced to scrub ourselves up, brush our hair, put on some clobber that isn't an Amber football shirt and jeans and go to do adult stuff. Which as you've probably guessed by now, isn't our specialist subject. We do not adult well. Adulting, we are not good at.