Sunday, 31 March 2013

Ben Dover Productions Presents...

Good evening sports fans! Well it finally had to happen and it did. I actually went back to work (well for the one day anyway!). And in order to recover from that trauma, I of course needed some more time off, so of course a quiet trip to Dover was in order to get some seaside air in the lungs. And after receiving the usual informational text from Mr X it was agreed that we would be getting the high speed train from St. Pancras in order to get to Dover for opening time for this one. 

Wednesday, 27 March 2013

You're Having a Mare Ref!

Once more unto the breach, dear friends, once more. And another frustrating night down the Lane ends in defeat.

Well this is it my last week off from work, in fact I go back on Friday when most of you will no doubt be off. And trust me, since I have been off, I haven't once got up before 0600hrs and I reckon I might struggle come the end of the week! I look back now, with a cigarette and a cup of tea, at the games that I have witnessed over this period the stats really say it all.

Saturday, 23 March 2013

Here to stay.... - One from the Archives

Afternoon all. Bet you didn't think you'd be reading another one of these for a while eh?

And if you did, then you're a bit daft. We live in Britain you see. And shit weather is the one thing we do really well, so it shouldn't be a shock that today's clash with Salisbury was called off due to it fucking snowing. On the 23rd of March. Stupid stupid country!

So, it's off down into the basement of Gandermonium's secret volcano lair I go, with only a cup of tea for company to stave off the damp & the chill air. Having said that, it's probably a damn sight fucking warmer down here than it  is outside.....

Thursday, 21 March 2013

The Future's Bright...The Future's...Doswell...

Well, ladies and gents, after the recent upset caused by some fans on the Amber planet forum following Saturdays game Vs Farnborough, and United's impressive win on Tuesday night at Billericay (See Duke's impressive update on Gandermonium here ) An important announcement was made by the Gaffer in the post match Managers Column. Along the lines, that Mr Doswell is here to stay, well this is great news for the club, and great news for the fans, given the stats under Mr D speak for themselves.

Wednesday, 20 March 2013


Ah, the third poxy trip to Essex! And for once we take away the three valuable points back with us to Sutton. I don't how it has happened but once again it appears that I will have to cover our trip to Essex, not that I mind, after all I am on for a perfect season once again, but not for the first time I shall be writing this masterpiece sober!

Sunday, 17 March 2013

When the machine breaks down...we break down!

Well, well, well......

Where to start with this one! If I'm completely honest I'm finding it a big struggle to put fingers to the keyboard to type this one up! Mainly for two reasons, firstly the game yesterday. Wow it was BAD on a big scale! The other reason, I've got a bit of the alcohol shakes following last nights drinking session! My body just isn't as hardcore as the other members of the Firm! But fear not readers of Gandermonium, Kasabian have given me the inspiration I need to write this up....So sit we go..

Wednesday, 13 March 2013

Madness, Madness, They call it Madness

Yes, an embarrassment, a living endorsement.

That's me and the other 359 souls that braved the game tonight.

I really don't know what to write....

Saturday, 9 March 2013

Keep the Faith....all you gotta do is keep the faith!

Don't worry yourselves too much, I'm not going to include a Bon Jovi You tube link in this weeks right up, so don't worry, normal service is resumed! It was just the best title I could think of following today's game....

So as I sit here on a Saturday evening looking for inspiration following an absolute catastrophic week for me (I'll get to the nitty gritty shortly) I turn to a bit of AC/DC for inspiration!

Wednesday, 6 March 2013

Where's the Karma gone? Where's your Karma gone?

I think my ticker will pack up by the time I'm 40.....

And that is not just because of the smokes,booze and loose women, it's because of the agony and the ecstasy of watching my beloved team week in and week out!

The second of my weeks off has been a somewhat stressful affair, a daily viewing of A Touch of Frost and Only Fools can be quite hard on the eyes and with this not only being even half way through this week and already I have still have failed to find the fishy from Saturday and finally I have invested in a Habitat chair.....

Saturday, 2 March 2013

The Battle of Waterloo-ville

Best to start from the top with this one!

Well, after a bit of a pants week at work, pushing paper around and sharpening pencils it was my time to cover our away fixture at Havant & Waterlooville. So as Duke (currently looking a tad Amish with his current skinhead and facial hair look) relaxes on his five week holiday from Kingston council, sitting around, twiddling his thumbs and scratching his head,and enjoying Thursday nights victory in the Surrey Senior Cup , and day dreaming of winning in this years final..... your stuck with me, to write up this weekends fixture!

Friday, 1 March 2013

Gandermonium Film Review - 'The Football Factory '

So this is a first for the all new and improved Gandermonium. Gandermonium's first ever film review. From tonight's selection box, comes The Football Factory! Lets be honest we've all seen it, we all don't really rate it highly in the world of football films, especially when its compared to the likes of I.D, or the original Firm featuring Gary Oldman.

Molesey Shoals

Another game. Another night of excitement in the Surrey Senior Cup. And as I am the only one with the natural animal magnetism and sheer passion for the county's top knock out competition it was down to me to do tonight's blog.