Sunday, 24 February 2013

TOWIE Shite!

WTF? Where am I? What happened?

Fuck the eatin' is cheatin' rule, next time I'm lining the old stomach.  Well that was a trip and a half to Essex and back!

Thursday, 21 February 2013


Here's a break from the norm eh?

The old Gandermonium was a bit set in it's ways, our match reports were about as wordy as we got. But with the return of this load of nonsense, we thought we'd try something a bit different to keep things interesting. With this in mind, I give you the first 'Gandermonium Literary Review'.

Yeah, I know. Amazing innit. We can read.

Wednesday, 20 February 2013

'Stoke the fire. The Tim Sills hate continues

Well the game for me tonight was a tough decision as to whether I would be in attendance or not due to suffering with the latest batch of the "man flu" (it's a man killer ya know) doing the rounds! So after receiving a text from Duke asking me whether or not I had turned totally "Gay" by me telling him I wouldn't be going tonight.

Sunday, 17 February 2013

More Pushin' to the Cushin'

What a difference a week in football makes....

I write this blog in the early hours of Sunday morning listening to Ode to Joy by Tchaikovsky and watching old news reports of a little game in 1990 between Bournemouth and Leeds. And I feel reinvigorated to continue...

Wednesday, 13 February 2013

Our goal difference is's plus Juan!

Well where do I start on this one. I did come up with an alternative title for this blog...something along the lines of 'we've clipped the wings', but after receiving a tweet from the Oracle of Gandermonium today advising me that if I didn't use the above title, tweeted on Gandermonium last night...Taz would hurt me, and hurt me badly! So there we are, that's how the title for this blog came about!

Sunday, 10 February 2013

The Bitter Taste of Urchins!

Well bugger me! There goes another trip to Essex........

And let me be the first to congratulate Marky N for surviving his first booze cruise with the Firm, even though he only lasted to Blackfriars mind you. The day itself was another drink fuelled escape with its highlights and low life's like us running around London and Essex!

Also apologies for the lateness of this blog but somehow I manged to pass out once again half on the bed and half on a foot stall that I use as a six month temporary replacement for a computer chair. But without further ranting lets get on with this blog!

Sunday, 3 February 2013

Are you not entertained?

So after a long wait..we're back, and we're better!...That felt good! Like the first time I managed to ride a bike without the aid of stabilisers...Sorry Taz, I couldn't help but mention a little thing to do with cycling.....come on!...ok ok no more I promise!

As you've recently been reading Taz's recent blogs from the dusty archives. Taz can now sit back and relax in his wing back chair, put his slippers on and relax tonight! Juan's got this one covered!