About the Blog

Back in 1998, a Sutton United supporter known only as 'Taz' decided that writing alcohol influenced & slightly furious match reports about the club's games was a good way of dealing with the fact they weren't being very good. A way of getting his frustrations off his chest if you like.

He called this online therapy 'Gandermonium' after a very short lived (it lasted one issue) GGL fanzine back in the late 80's.

Of course, having decided to get all uppity about his footballing life, the team went and promptly fucked things up for him by going on a silly run of form and winning the Ryman League title that season, earning promotion to the 5th tier.

Still, the U's inevitably came straight back down the following season and as the site grew into something a bit bigger, Sutton got into the new Conference Southern division. And there they stayed (and largely struggled), until the fateful 2007\2008 season, where possibly the worst campaign in living memory saw the club win just 5 league games and drop back into the Ryman with the sort of points total that would make a Carshalton fan red faced in embarrassment.

At this point, Taz was tired of writing on his own about a largely struggling team and promptly knocked it on the head.

Of course, having done so, the club then had 5 play off appearances and another Ryman League title under new manager Paul Doswell. Fucking typical!

It was this success that lead to two morons called Dukey & Juan pestering Taz to resurrect the site as they had misty eyed, nostalgic memories of the old place & wanted it back on the scene. Plus they thought other people did too (they mostly didn't). Eventually in late 2012, Taz relented. Mainly as it turned out it was a piece of piss to set up again and the two idiots swore blind he wouldn't have to do anything unlike in the old days. Plus it meant these two idiots would stop bugging him meaning he could get drunk and watch crap football in peace.

So here we are. The aim is to give you more of the same as the old site, along with some of the old archived reports we have, maybe snippets\recreations from the other pages of 'old' Gandermonium had (no promises here, a lot of it hasn't aged well) and perhaps other Football related articles.

We hope you like it.


So we don't get shouted at, please note the following: The articles, opinions and views on this blog are those of the authors and not SUFC or it's officials\officers.